About CheckIn360

Our Story:
CheckIN360 was designed by psychologists who became frustrated by having to wait by their desk for the receptionist to tell them their next client had arrived.  One day we jokingly said "wouldn't it be great if the client could just tell us themselves...."  

A few months later we began using the first version of CheckIN360 in our office. We have used the app for more than 10,000 check-ins since and can personally attest to the value of letting clients check themselves in.  Initially we wanted a system that let our psychologists step away from their desks between patients.  But, we learned the system has lots of other benefits. Below are just a few of the advantages to using CheckIN360:

Clients enjoy being able to quietly check-in and have a seat.  It feels more personal and less clinical to them. 

Administrative productivity increased  by eliminating the multiple phone calls to the psychologists throughout the day.  

Our psychologists were able to know the exact time their client arrived which gave them the ability to determine if the client was on time.

The subtle or even silent notification through CheckIN360 eliminated the intrusion of a phone ringing which improved the setting in our offices.  

We are happy to now offer you the same benefits we have enjoyed for the last few years.  If you are curious about how CheckIN360 can work in your business don't hesitate to contact us.  We can help you determine the best options for your business.  Also, check out our pages on how to set up the app as well as other tips by clicking the button below.   

The CheckIN360 Team


Our Team

Meet Buddy and Jason.

Buddy Spears


Buddy Spears is a founder of CheckIn360.

Jason Anderson


Jason Anderson is a founder of CheckIn360.